
Being the complete picture nut that I am, I have plenty of visuals to document our activities. To me, pictures convey so much more than words ever attempt to.
March 26th marked Cale's 18th birthday! What a godly man he is maturing into. Whenever we have a birthday around our house we make it as unusual as possible; generally by creating unique decorations and funny cards. This year Cale was treated to a pirate theme birthday (we don't live too far from Tampa Bay!). Merritt, Delaney and I had a blast putting together his costume...
He was trying not to smile but I don't think it worked - Merritt has the right face for it though!Last Thursday Merritt, Delaney, Mom, Olivia Silver (a good friend of ours) and myself headed out to a farm to acquire some strawberries. It's nearing the end of the season for this delicious berry, but we didn't have a problem finding an adequate supply to fill every container we brought. We were a little zealous picking though, by the time we finished canning on Saturday we were so sick of those red things (can't bring myself to say their name!) we just about swore we'd never eat another one again. We have a plenty of jam to last us the next twenty years, plus bags and bags frozen for smoothies and pies. It's very satisfying to provide for our family and we did have a pleasant time of it, which is testament to the fact that there's always a positive side to anything! Watch out, you might get a jar sometime... :o)
We picked scads and scads of berries...that picture doesn't show them all.
Delaney is just a-washin' and a-choppin' away while I'm stirrin' an overflowing pot (LOL).
Frequently, my favorite store to browse is our local Hallmark Gold Crown shop around the corner. The proprietor is very friendly, and the cards provide such unique entertainment - they make us either groan or laugh. Sometimes I just can't contain myself and I buy one too many cards for my own good - though, my best excuse is that no matter what, those cards won't go out of style!
I had such a wonderful time with a dear friend last Saturday! We went to the Budweiser American Invitational CSI 4* grand prix event at Raymond James Stadium - what a neat experience! I've read about several of the Olympic riders that competed that evening, but never saw them ride their steeds in person. The combination of stimulating company, elaborate (and imposing) fences, beautiful horses propelling themselves over jumps, and great riders made for an exciting and memorable evening. We, Mrs. G (that "dear friend) and I, arrived early, enjoyed a delicious picnic and then walked the course to get a sneak-peek at what the riders would be facing. We witnessed thirty riders make an effort for the #1 spot but by the time the evening had concluded the winner was the great Brazilian, Rodrigo Pessoa (what an absolutely beautiful horse he has!).
Rodrigo Pessoa surveying the jumps before "take off".
Awhile back Daddy reinstated family prayer times again, which has been such a blessing. If you have any prayer requests we could remember, would you mind passing them along? It would be greatly appreciated.
Recently our chapel had taken a missionary off our support list and replaced the empty spot with another. One of our elders wrote to the new addition. To our amazement, upon their reply we found that they were commended from a "closed" gospel hall and would not be permitted to speak, let alone fellowship with us! We all were disappointed to hear this. I was really puzzled as to why they wouldn't - actually I was rather flabbergasted, having never heard of a "closed" gospel hall before. One of the elders gave me a quick synopsis of why there's a rift, etc. I still don't understand it completely, and probably because I have this one particular question swirling around in my head: "How does that line up with scripture?" To me, it doesn't.
We've been having some very interesting, labor intensive plumbing problems of late (due to an old broken, root clogged pipe that goes slightly up-hill). But I think we've just about got it resolved, thanks to a super helpful and reasonable plumber (the Lord sure brought the right person to us!). The following picture is of Cale's ditch (and yes, it's in our front yard):
Last Friday night we had Bright Lights - here's a pic of the girls enjoying a game of Twister:
Thanks for stopping by - don't forget to leave a comment!
Wow! That's a lot of strawberries! Looks like fun~and hard work! We like the pirate party idea! That ditch looks all too familiar(from our previous house). Hope your plumbing is working better now!
We enjoy your site~maybe one day we'll set one up!
From the Rentschler Ranch Bunch
the twister game was sooooo much fun....even though I was like the 2nd one out......
Merritt's face in that pirate picture cracked me up. She is way too cute!!!!
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