Fun with Friends - Installment #2
Hello there!
The house smells like French toast and bacon, yum! Although bacon is a pain to clean up, there's nothing quite so pleasantly cozy as maple leaf bacon; the smell, the taste and the ambiance it creates. Mom cooked it to perfection this morning and we could barely contain ourselves from eating beyond our fill. There was enough bacon grease to top off our jar in the cupboard (strictly saved for "southern" nights at our house when we fry chicken). :o)

Either she's numb or simply trying to make the best of it:
Then on Tuesday Delaney, Cale and Merritt jumped in again. I opted out, volunteering to document the insane event with the camera. So, here's proof that on February 21st they went swimming. :o)
This one is of Cale going down the slide:
Delaney's plunge into frigid waters...
I can't pass up the opportunity to share this picture with you. A proper caption for this photo could be "conquering captain courageous". Any other suggestions, though? :o)
Other bits and pieces from our lives: Daddy went on a business trip to Miami for the annual boat show, we got another computer (from our deceased grandfather), and then we had Dad's laptop repaired as well.
Lately, I've been studying Ezekiel with a local Bible study. Its been excellent! This is the first time I've sat down and really read through and pondered the words written in this book. The Lord had Ezekiel do some pretty unusual activities to capture the exiled Israelites attention. For example: cooking meager rations over cow dung (it would've been human excrement, but Ezekiel implored the Lord to change that part). Building a wall to represent Jerusalem and besieging it (rather like a little boy playing "soldiers"?). Ezekiel, the prophet, is made out to be insane, and yet he willingly is "misunderstood" to glorify God. This book is full of wonderful examples of God's mercy, indefatigable faithfulness and love toward the Israelites. In one particular chapter the reader gets a real glimpse at the heart-wrenching anguish God has for the wayward Israelite nation. Right now, a good word to sum up Ezekiel is: powerful.
I took a picture of Jack Russell Stadium for memory's sake. So, I thought I'd share them with you since you frequently hear it mentioned. The photo to the right is of the stadium:
We're grateful for your interest in our lives - thank you for praying for us!
Enjoy your day!
Great blog great pics (as always) Awesome picture of Cale (king of the slide) lol
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