
When it rains it pours! The street was flooding, our pool overflowed and part of our sun room carpet is soaking wet. A man on the radio just mentioned that Pinellas Park (which is not too far from us) had gotten a foot of rain since the deluge commenced this morning.
*Update*: fourteen inches of rain in our county thus far... (Someone call the Coast Guard!)
Not only has it been cloudy outside lately, but inside things have been rather dreary. Our paternal grandfather passed away last Wednesday, just as my parents were flying out to see him. We had gotten a call Tuesday evening and learned that Grandad had taken a turn for the worse. We heard Wednesday morning that Grandad was taken to the hospital and placed in ICU, and was administered blood transfusions and his body was going into "septic". Without wasting another minute Mom and Dad purchased tickets and set out for Denver that very day, looking to arrive close to 8:30 pm. Grandad had courageously fought cancer for the last several years. He never complained or wanted to talk about his problems, but instead he'd rather find out how you were doing and what was going on in your life. As his physical mobility decreased he found pleasure in giving his young grandchildren "whizzing" rides down the nursing home corridors on his scooter. We teased him that he better not be offering rides to nurses! I have fond memories of a generous grandfather, a grandfather who loved to laugh and someone who enjoyed a good discussion on opinions. Phillip Owen: brother, uncle, father, husband and grandfather -- we'll miss you.
Right now, we (kids) are waiting out the thunderstorm, playing ping pong, keeping tabs on the slow leaks into the sun room (coming from the ceiling and floor) and talking about what we want to do next. Watch a movie, clean out the fireplace or play another game? That's the question of the day. Can you tell we're slightly bored? :o) I (Chelsea) am trying, rather unsuccessfully, to get over a cold. I even had to cancel Bright Lights this evening because of it. The Lord always works these things out for the best, though. It's allowed me to slow down a bit more.

I love collecting quotes. Though, I have to make sure not to get gluttonous about it. :o)
Here is a quote from Spurgeon:

Kids - thank you for keeping Mom & I up to date on the happenings. We miss you and love you very much.
That picture is SO CUTE!!! (Merrit & her friend)
Opps... that was me (Sam) who said the pic was cute
Dear Chelsea,
I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. I know he will be missed greatly. Our family will be praying for the Lord to comfort you and your family at this time.
You have done a great job at journaling your days and thoughts here on this site. I have enjoyed getting a little caught up on your family's life. Tell your mom thanks for giving me the web address of this site. Now, we can check in and see how the Owen family is doing from time to time!
Cute pictures too!
Mrs. Rentschler(from Texas)
Thanks you for praying for us, Mrs. Rentschler!
Are ya'll planning a trip to the Florida anytime soon...?? :o)
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