*Checking in*
Greetings -
The Owen family is still alive! :o) Between a job interview, Bright Lights, out-of-state friends visiting, traveling to New Mexico for an informal family reunion, and among other things -- life has been rather busy for me, to say the least. Anyway, just wanted to touch base and let you know that I have some very interesting pictures to share over the next several days...
But before then, here's a great article (re: delighting in the Lord and a nine member family) found on Mrs. Chancey's website: Ladies Against Feminism. Take a peek, it's sure to be an encouragement!
Hey! Please post the pics soon!! Waiting for interesting photos tends to drive one to insanity!! ~just kidding!~ TTYL, Stefani
I too really enjoyed that "Delighting in the Lord" article by Mrs. Chancey...she's such an excellent writer!
By the way...I received your e-mail and hope to reply soon...it was so wonderful hearing from you!
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