Sunday, June 04, 2006

FPEA Florida Homeschool Conference

Homeschool conferences are hectic and they can be overwhelming, but they're definitely fun!

We haven't gone to a homeschool conference in years, mainly because we already have plenty of "school material" to work through and these type of functions can be stressful. But then on the flip side, the literature selections are very enticing (you can never have too many good books for your personal library!) and the array of speakers at state-wide conventions are generally really good. I wanted to attend this years homeschool conference for the purpose of being a Bright Lights representative from Florida at the Mally's booth (currently there is only one group meeting here in Florida...and that one is mine). In case you're unfamiliar with the Mally family: Harold and Rebekah Mally have three children, Sarah, Stephen and Grace and as a family they share a ministry called Tomorrow's Forefathers. The "kids" collaborated and wrote a book on sibling relationships titled, Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends (they really aren't kids any longer, but some of them were when they wrote the book :o). Sarah has also started Bright Lights, which is a discipleship program for young ladies. Recently, she completed an excellent book on purity called Before You Meet Prince Charming. They came last year to speak at a couple of churches in our area and that's how we got to know them. This year they came down for the homeschool conference in Orlando.

The Lord worked it out for Delaney and I to catch a ride over to Orlando with the Mosterts (they introduced our family to the Mallys and their two girls, Danielle and Rachel go to the BL group here) on Saturday. It turned out to be a busy day! We spent time helping at the Mally's booth, walking around, watching the Mallys seminar, book shopping...etc. I really enjoyed chatting with the parents who came by to ask about Bright Lights. It was so exciting to see a mother's eyes light up as I explained the numerous benefits the Bright Lights material provides, and the importance of encouraging their daughters in their personal relationship with Christ. In some you could see the burden for their daughter's futures grow heavier, yet their vision for their "little women" was renewed and strengthened. I only wish we could've interested more parents!

I wasn't planning on getting any books, but I just couldn't help myself! I spent a lot of time over at the Vision Forum booth. I came away with three books from this particular location: Verses of Virtue, the poetry and prose of Christian womanhood compiled and edited by Elizabeth Beall Phillips, How To Be A Lady, useful hints on the formation of womanly character by Harvey Newcomb (I thought this book might provide some unique excerpts for my Bright Lights talks since it was printed in 1850) and Emotional Purity by Heather Arnel Paulsen. At another booth I picked up Debi Pearl's book Created to be His Help Meet.

Delaney and I thoroughly enjoyed our time at the conference (I can't wait to go back next year!). Here are a couple of photos Grace Mally took of their booth...

P.S. Tomorrow I hope to post some pictures of the lovely tea party our Bright Lights group had on Saturday! :o)


At Sunday, June 11, 2006 2:49:00 PM, Blogger Jessica said...


I know this is a late one...but I just had to comment (by the way, in case you were wondering, I found your blog through YLCF)...I was at the FPEA convention too! And I stopped and browsed through at the Tomorrow's Forefathers/Bright Lights booth a couple times...and came away with Before You Meet Prince Charming (and good choices from the Vision Forum booth...I have two of those books and was considering getting How To Be a Lady...but there were just too many good books to choose from!). I looked through a couple entries on here to see if I could find a picture of you to see if I actually saw you at the booth...but I didn't which one was you in most of the pictures!

So...judging from your comment about catching a ride to Orlando...I expect you probably don't live near here, then? That's too bad...I'm currently staying (working as a mother's helper) outside of Orlando a ways and it would've been wonderful if you had lived nearby...then I could finally have a friend! But anyway...I just had to comment...I hope I haven't scared you with my ramblings...have a glorious day!


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