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Welcome to the Owen family blog! We welcome you in for a bit of southern hospitality. We're a family of six, dedicated to the Lord and serving Him. "...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 2:12
Here are several more pictures from our outing to Monjeau Lookout in Ruidoso, New Mexico (taken this past July)...
We were fooling around and Cale decided to act as though he was meditating (rather fits with the scenery, doesn't it?).
Woods surrounding Monjeau. It was such a treat to just sit there, nice and quiet-like, and soak in the peacefulness made by the gentle rustling sound amongst the birch trees, surrounding hills and warm sunshine. Totally refreshing!
Merritt and Mommy enjoying a picnic lunch.
The yellow sign on the right reads, "Narrow - Rough - Road". It immediately made me think of the pathway to heaven. (Matthew 7:14)
::Sigh:: What an awesome day that will not soon be forgotten!
Wedding pictures coming next (not that you're so interested in viewing them, I just like posting -- I consider this our family journal, in a way). :o)
It's about time I resurrected this blog! Below is an account of our trip to New Mexico...
Uncle Clifton and Mom:
One day, we "climbed" Monjeau lookout. It was definitely a piece of cake (actually, we drove -- and yes, that's cheating!).
The view from part way up:
The steps leading to the tower:
Proof we were there (elevation: 9, 641):
The tower:
Blogger is not allowing me to post more pictures, and it's late, so I'll upload them tomorrow...hopefully I'll having wedding pictures up in a couple of days. Thanks for stopping by!
Rachel is holding up a massive whelk that her father found:
This picture of Rachel is one of my favorites (doesn't she look sweet?!). The flower in her hair is native to Hawaii, and it smells absolutely heavenly!
There's an extensive safari park at Busch Gardens and we had the pleasure of a leisurely train ride through it (very nice alternative to a stomach-churning roller coaster ride!). It was hard to get a clear picture as the train was moving along, but here is one of a giraffe.