Welcome to the Owen family blog! We welcome you in for a bit of southern hospitality. We're a family of six, dedicated to the Lord and serving Him.
"...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 2:12
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Listen to this!
Take a minute and listen to the Davis Senior High School Madrigal Choir from California perform this heavenly piece. It is certainly worth it!
Visit the website for information about this internationally known choir.
It's hard to describe how beautiful it sounds. It inspires, refreshes and quiets the soul... and yet it excites one too. What is your take on it?
We're a family of six committed to serving the Lord. How good the Lord has been to us! As far as the members of our family go...there's Guy (Daddy), the leader of our house, Patti (Momma), the wife and mother who keeps things running like a well-oiled machine, Chelsea (21) the author of the blog, Cale (18)a great little brother, big brother and man all rolled into one, Delaney (13)a mature young lady excited to explore and create, Merritt (6) littlest mommy-in-training who enjoys life and and wondering "why" about the world around her.
Thank you for visiting our blog, we hope you enjoy it! Feel free to comment.
Wow, I usually don't like this kind of music, but they are awesome. It is so beautiful; thanks for sharing this, Chelsea!
Wow! They are pretty amazing!!! How did you find out about them?
Hugs :-)
Hi Jocelyn! we have a friend that sings with this choir...
They're amazing! :o)
Hi Chelsea! That was so pretty- I loved it! :)
See you soon!
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